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Energy context in France

France has a low-carbon electricity mix due to its large nuclear fleet, yet many reactors are reaching the end of their lifetime. The country has started an ambitious energy transition under the Energy and Climate Change Law 2019 by designing a national low-carbon strategy, introducing carbon budgets, a carbon price trajectory and a planning framework for energy investment. 

France plans to reduce the share of nuclear power in the country’s energy mix from today’s 75% to 50% by 2035 which will require ambitious investments in renewable energy and efficiency. 

Offshore wind is a major technology to deliver on this strategy. The objective of the French government is to reach 5GW of installed offshore wind -bottom-fixed and floating- energy by 2028. 

With its 11 million square kilometers of territorial waters and 20,000 kilometers of coastline, France benefits from having the second largest source of offshore wind potential in Europe after United Kingdom.

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